26 March 2013

Pope Francis

So far, I'm liking what he is saying. He is the highest "ranking?" figure within Christianity speaking in a way that I haven't seen many others do - Catholic, Protestant, Calvinist, etc.

His goal seems to focus on the things Christ wanted us to - caring for and defending those that cannot do so for themselves. And living it. For instance, there has been a war on unborn children since the 1960's... possibly sooner depending on your view of eugenics.

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, encouraged Catholics this week to untiringly defend the unborn against abortion even if “they persecute or kill you.” Amidst a debate in the country over the legalization of abortion being sought by non-governmental organizations and by some members of the government, Cardinal Bergoglio recalled that the faithful have the duty to defend life “from the beginning until the end.”
Catholics should persevere in this mission, he said, even if “they persecute you, calumniate you, set traps for you, take you to court or kill you.”
The cardinal compared the “egoism of the culture of death” with “weeds that begin to grow and invade and kill the trees, their fruit and their flowers. They kill life.”
 “No child should be deprived of the right to be born, the right to be fed, the right to go to school.  No elderly person should be left alone, abandoned,” the cardinal said in remarks to a group of pregnant women.

Pope Francis is declaring war on abuse and death. And he's living it out, not just talking about it. And for that, I am glad.

More on Pope Francis:
Path to becoming Pope
Setting the Example
Condemning Abortion
Five thing about Pope Francis

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